Q & A's

What sized beads should I use in my TruLoom? Any bead, 8mm or smaller will work. The beads included with the loom starter kit are 4mm round, and #11 seed beads.

Can I use leather instead of waxed cotton cord? Yes, but the technique will be different. Since it doesn't work well to pierce through leather cord, we suggest you change the technique. Use a double strand of thread instead of single, and go through each bead two more times. This makes a total of four strands of thread through the bead each time. Then tie your knots without piercing through the leather, but use a dot of beading glue on them. (super glue or nail polish work as well.)

How long can I make a wrap bracelet? There's no limit to how long you can make a wrap bracelet!

How long can I make a bead weave? The length of a bead weave bracelet is limited to about 8 inches. It can't be longer than the loom.

How wide can I make a bead weave? We suggest limiting the width of your bead weave to about 2 inches.

Can I get supplies/beads from other stores besides you?
You can get waxed cotton cord and 4mm beads from most craft stores. Be sure to get beading thread, such as Nymo, instead of regular sewing thread.

How old does a child have to be to use the TruLoom?
The official recommended age is 14 and up. However it totally depends on the person. If a younger child is into doing a lot of crafts or is used to using a needle and thread, they will absolutely enjoy the loom.

My thread is knotted, what do I do? The thread that comes with the kit is waxed to resist knotting. Even so, sometimes it does happen. The first thing to do is to try to get it out. Because of the wax, it can often be easier to undo than you think if you gently try to pull it through. If that doesn't work, knot it off and start a new thread. There is plenty of extra thread included in both the original loom kit and the refill kit for just that reason.

Some of my beading is loose? It's important to keep even tension when you are beading. You'll want to pull the thread all the way through on each bead, so it's secure but not too tight.

A bead is popping up, what is going on?
An occasional bead popping up is probably not a big deal once you've finished and are wearing your bracelet, it won't be that noticable. If it happens a lot, go back to the instructions, making sure you're going through each bead first in one direction, then the other.

What size needle should I use? For most beads, a #11 beading needle works best.

I have another question, how do I get answers? Feel free to email info@truloom.com with questions, we'll get back to you ASAP!